quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2008

CakePHP Application Development


Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP that uses well-known design patterns and provides a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss of flexibility. It means you can code faster, your code is better, and it makes writing Web 2.0-style apps a snap.
This book builds on your knowledge as a PHP developer to provide a fast-paced, step-by-step tutorial in building CakePHP applications. The book is packed with example code and demo applications, so that you can see techniques in action.
About author
Junal Rahman is a Computer Science graduate from Independent University of Bangladesh. His areas of expertise include programming with PHP framework and Facebook applications. He has worked for several software companies as a Web Application Developer. During his undergraduate studies, Junal fell in love with .NET programming, but as soon as he started his internship, he fell in love with PHP. He currently works as a Development Engineer at Trippert Labs. At Trippert, Junal collaboratively works to create Facebook applications. He also maintains a blog that can be found at http://junal.wordpress.com. Apart from keeping up with the ever changing field of information technology, he spends much of his private life pursing his interests in screenplay and script writing. In the future, Junal hopes to create films and short dramas, and eventually make his very own movies.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

oi, passando aqui para te avisar que o blog da milu agora está em endereço novo:http://www.culturalivrenaweb.blogspot.com/
O endereço antigo está praticamente desativado, mas pretendo mante-lo para lançamentos de disco. Se vc quiser um convite para acessa-lo me avise no miluduarte@yahoo.com.br
Abraços e otimo 2009

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